Fruit & Veg

$3.99 per kg
Apple Pink Lady Lge
$5.50 per kg
Joes Yoghurt Apricots 225g
$7.15 each $31.78 per kg
Lettuce Ice Berg
$3.99 each
Oranges Loose
$5.50 per kg
Onions Brown
$3.79 per kg
Pumpkin Butter Nut
$5.99 per kg
Tomatoes Loose
$5.99 per kg
Cabbage 1/​2
$4.80 each
Capsicum Green
$12.50 per kg
Carrots Loose
$2.99 per kg
Celery Half
$2.80 each
Celery Tray
$5.30 each $15.14 per kg
$9.99 per kg
$27.99 per kg
Granny Smith Apples
$5.50 per kg
$13.99 per kg
Grapes Red
$13.99 per kg
Ifp Twin Pack Leeks 1ea
$6.00 each
Joes Yoghurt Sultanas 225g
$7.15 each $31.78 per kg
$8.50 per kg
$14.99 per kg
$6.99 per kg
Onions Spring
$4.00 each
Remedy Organic Kombucha Mango Passion 330mL
$4.50 each $13.64 per litre
Snow Pea Sprouts
$3.95 each
$8.99 per kg
Apple Fuji Lge
$3.99 per kg
Apple Royal Gala Lge
$5.50 per kg
Apples Red Bag 1.5kg
$5.59 each $2.80 per kg
$16.99 per kg
$8.49 each
$3.99 each
Bean Shoots
$3.95 each
Beans Green
$10.50 per kg
Beetroot Loose
$5.99 per kg
Blackberries Punnet 125g
$6.99 each
Blueberries Punnet
$5.99 each
$7.99 per kg
Broccolini Bunch
$4.50 each
Brussel Sprouts
$18.50 per kg
Cabbage 1/​4
$2.50 each
Cabbage Red 1/​2
$4.99 each
Cabbage Red 1/​4
$2.50 each
$7.35 each
Cantaloupe 1/​2
$3.70 each
Capsicum Orange
$11.50 per kg
Capsicum Red
$12.50 per kg
  1. When you've added something, it will appear here. To see everything in your trolley, use the Review Order & Checkout button.

    Item Cost
  2. Choose Pickup Location
We are sorry to inform you that at this current time we are unable to accept orders to be picked on weekends & public holidays, this is not permanant and we will keep you updated into the future on when orders can be placed on these days.

We appreciate your business and understanding while we work towards accepting orders at these times,

Thank you